Fraud Alert Policy

1. Company Overview Predusk Technology Private Limited, a company duly incorporated in India (hereinafter referred to as ‘Predusk’ or ‘Company’ which expression shall include its successors, nominees, agents and permitted assigns), is a global ITes company, providing a wide range of secure high-quality back-office support related to finance, HR, digital marketing and customer support (collectively referred to as “Services“). The Company owns and operates the Predusk website (“Website”). Predusk, along with its domain, including any subdomains thereof, is designed exclusively for the initial facilitation of communication and information exchange among its registered users (hereinafter referred to as ‘Member(s)’) or unregistered users (hereinafter referred to as ‘Visitor(s)’) who possess a sincere intent to engage in or initiate contact pertaining to Services. The Members and the Visitors shall be collectively referred to as ‘User(s)’.

2. Background 

The Fraud Alert Policy (the ‘Policy’) is implemented to foster the formulation of controls aimed at detecting and preventing fraudulent activities against the Company. The Company is committed to promoting uniform organizational conduct by offering guidelines and delegating responsibility for both the creation of controls and the undertaking of investigations.


3. Objective of the Policy

This Fraud Alert Policy is established to protect Predusk and its Users from fraudulent activities. Our goal is to create a secure environment for our Users and to foster awareness about potential fraud risks.


4. Reporting of Unauthorized or Suspicious Activities

Users are encouraged to report any unauthorized or suspicious activities immediately. Reports can be made 24×7 via:


Dedicated Hotline: +91 982 888 5432

Online Reporting Portal:

5. Customer Rights and Obligations

Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information. Prompt reporting of any unauthorized activity is crucial. Users should regularly update passwords and monitor their accounts for irregularities.

6. Liability in the Event of Fraud

In cases of unauthorized transactions, User liability will be determined based on the timing of the report and the nature of the incident. Cases involving User negligence may result in different liability implications compared to third-party breaches.


7. Investigation and Resolution Process

Upon receiving a fraud report, Predusk will:

  1. Initiate an immediate investigation.
  2. Freeze affected accounts to prevent further unauthorized activity.
  3. Communicate with the affected User throughout the investigation process.


8. Preventive Measures and Customer Awareness

Predusk is committed to educating Users about fraud prevention through:

  1. Regular updates and tips on our social media channels.
  2. Alerts and notifications on our platform.
  3. Educational content on our website.


9. Policy Review and Amendments

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with regulatory changes and evolving fraud patterns. Amendments will be communicated to Users through our website and email notifications.

10. Contact Information and Support

For support and assistance regarding fraud, Users can contact us at:


Phone: +91 982 888 5432


11. Rights and Obligations of Predusk

Predusk is committed to:

  1. Ensuring the security of our platform.
  2. Resolving disputes fairly and promptly.
  3. Compensating Users where applicable, in accordance with our terms and conditions.

12. Confidentiality

All fraud reports and investigations will be handled with strict confidentiality.


13. Retaliation Protection

Predusk prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports fraud in good faith.


14. Compliance with Legal Standards

This policy is designed to comply with relevant legal and regulatory standards.
